Here is an attempt to capture moments of my reality... A diary of the very things I never pay attention to - uncensored and rough. Thoughts and details I would never think of adding or dwell on... It's probably the most boring thing to do, but I'm still trying to figure out the meaning of absolutely everything in the world and so it is I have to start somewhere (which would be me)... It's a little experiment, really. I am, after all, always ready to become my own guinea pig to push the boundless limits of my mind.

Monday 30 May 2011

Imagination encircles the world...

I wish I could just delve into the feeling of love... without constantly having to make room for such things as work and the mindless stress of daily chores... It would be too easy, wouldn't it?

Yes... Still, I wish I had the luxury of being able to set a big chunk of my time just indulging in the love and nothing else -as though almost nothing else really existed beyond it.

Work, competition and expectations always come into the picture... It would have made more sense if the work, no matter how useless, wasn't so enslaving in essence, requiring most of us to literally dedicate most of our time and life to it. After all, for a society to exist, we each need to put some weight in, but there is no balance, and I don't think there ever was one.

Now that I work in an office environment, I get to observe people who are quite used to such routines. They can juggle work, personal life and hobbies very well... and that's it, that's the clockwork way things are for most: get up in the morning, get crushed inside a train or bus to get to work, sit at a desk for 7 hours (without daring to take your PAID lunch break away from the desk because it looks 'lazy'), get back on said train or bus, crushed and mentally exhausted... get home and enjoy the few hours left for yourself before it's time to sleep. The trick is that when you're made to juggle both work and personal life, a big chunk of whatever time is left in the evening goes into trying to keep up with that personal life.

Where's the time for the self? Where's the time for deeper reflection? By the time the weekend comes, you're so exhausted and feeling so highly-strung that your mind desires nothing but mindless rest. Mindless entertainment and activities that allow for the mind to relax a little before the routine frenzy starts all over again 2 days later.

My job wouldn't have been so bad, if only - if only - I wasn't made to write about things so complex it makes me feel like a retard most of the time.

The routine of our modern world is almost too easy to turn into a caricature... I guess the only way one can escape it is if they're rich. Yeah, if you're rich then you have the luxury to escape. Most jobs are conceived in such ways as to prevent the majority from ever being wealthy enough to escape. I guess if everyone was rich then it would break the rotten balance of this world, and soon enough you'd end up with the 'rich' being merely average compared to the super-rich... oh, wait... I've just described capitalism at its peak, haven't I?

Oh, I don't know... Maybe I grew too accustomed to having a lot of free time to think and reflect, and now I suddenly have to lead the same hamster life as everyone else - and it's a shock to my system.

It seems the only reason I was able to develop more depth of thoughts was merely circumstancial in the end... I was just 'lucky' enough to be able to spend a lot of my time in relative social isolation while also avoiding the plague of 'busyness'.

It's good to be busy at times... in bursts, actually. But then you need the time off to reflect and take stock. This modern setting doesn't really allow it. It actually regiment our lives like the worst of dictators. It dictates everything, and you have to fit everything around its orders. You can't rest, eat, think... except when you're allowed to at very precise times.

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