Here is an attempt to capture moments of my reality... A diary of the very things I never pay attention to - uncensored and rough. Thoughts and details I would never think of adding or dwell on... It's probably the most boring thing to do, but I'm still trying to figure out the meaning of absolutely everything in the world and so it is I have to start somewhere (which would be me)... It's a little experiment, really. I am, after all, always ready to become my own guinea pig to push the boundless limits of my mind.

Sunday 31 July 2011


I no longer have much time to update this place... I guess that's what happens when one is kept occupied by such things as a job.

We work more and more hours and for more and more years. In the UK alone, soon the retirement age will be pushed back up to somewhere like 70. Who the hell wants to be finally free from work when it's already time to die or watch your own body fall apart?

They say the new generations will be living longer, but can they actually predict how well these new generations will get to live past 50 years of age? Don't be fooled by the older people you see moving around today, these people had a completely different routine in general than the one now. Look, rather, at the rise in dementia, Alzeimer's, the back, joints, and overall health issues that arise before you even hit 30 because you're stuck all day, 5 days a week, in front of a screen - without even adding the extra amount of personal time spent in the same position. And let's not forget all the Frankenstein food we're now eating more and more, and whose impact is unknown in the long term.

The health Gestapo (Governments and media) tells you smoking is bad - oh my God, it could give you cancer and it is so bad it can make other people around you die, too - so you see utter MORONS with kids in the pram look down on the smoker standing next to them on the pavement as though the cigarette smoke was about to kill their offspring, yet they don't see the car fumes coming out at them 24/7. Sure, smoking is not good for one's health, but come on. If you're going to pretend to be health conscious stop being a freaking hypocrite and look around you: we already live in a hazard zone. Hell, you don't even know what it is you're eating. It could be flavoured plastic and you wouldn't know any better because, hey, the package says "real food, made from real animals".

But you know what? It's alright, we live in the best of worlds, don't we? Today's ideology sounds scarily similar to a modernised version of Leibniz's optimistic school of 'reason'.

Wednesday 13 July 2011


I had a couple of strange dreams last night. I only remember them because I sort of woke up briefly in between dreams and they left me with a rather unpleasant sense of 'déja-vu'.

Okay, so the first one was almost borderline funny, in a way. The dream was about me walking inside what looked like a train station and there was a stall in one corner of a large hall. At that stall was a man in a suit sitting at a simple table and there were charts stuck on the wall behind him. As I approached, the man looked like the perfect salesman but with a look about him that reminded me of 1930s types of sales people and the way they would dress, you know. Very old fashioned. As I came to stand in front of his table, he began to gesture towards the charts and a large poster next to it with a list of prices and 'offers'. What was he selling exactly? Exchange traded funds. Yeah... He was having 'sales' and was trying to convince me to go for one of his 'bundles'... But the funny part was that the man in the dream seemed to explain it really well, and I wonder where that knowledge is hiding inside my head because as soon as I woke up, I was no longer able to 'grasp' the understanding I had during the dream, if that could ever make sense.

The second dream was by far more depressing. I found myself inside an overcrowded train, so overcrowded in fact that I could barely breathe and found myself gasping for air more and more... Luckily, I managed to get off at my usual station, and began to climb the flight of stairs leading to the exit - the same way I always do in reality 5 days a week when I get back from work. But in that dream, suddenly more people began to flood the staircase, so much so that I became stuck in the crowd, absolutely unable to move... and unable to breathe. As I started gasping for air again, the walls around me started to close on me and the crowd... but then I made myself wake up before having to dream of myself being turned into a pancake.

Sometimes dreams can give a far better and accurate picture of the way you feel than any word uttered by the conscious mind.

Tuesday 5 July 2011


This world isn't real... none of it is

I may be on the verge of becoming a solipsist. Why not? It seems to make more sense right now than anything else being touted 24/7.

Nothing can be proved. Science is just the mechanics. It does not give you reason, it does not give you feelings, it does not give you meaning. People give you meaning just by gathering - even 2 people gathering together is enough. This means minds give reason, but science cannot explain reason, it can only explain what the brain is made of.

Therefore everything is a lie. Everything is an illusion, and nothing is really real.

All of this life. An illusion.