Here is an attempt to capture moments of my reality... A diary of the very things I never pay attention to - uncensored and rough. Thoughts and details I would never think of adding or dwell on... It's probably the most boring thing to do, but I'm still trying to figure out the meaning of absolutely everything in the world and so it is I have to start somewhere (which would be me)... It's a little experiment, really. I am, after all, always ready to become my own guinea pig to push the boundless limits of my mind.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

It seems nothing we think is ever new... often I get back to the source and realise we probably got as much as we could on our own understanding as people did thousands of years ago, and since then we've just been rehashing the same things over and over again in a futile attempt to understand even more... Adding a few 'new' theories here and there... revamping basic ideas into new, more appealing or trendy ones... But so what? We still don't know that much more about ourselves as they did two or three thousand years ago.

Ok, sure, we know much more about the mechanics of how the whole world and its people work, but that's about it really.

I want to run away and lock myself in a log cabin at the top of the highest mountain where all I'll ever hear again is the sound of my own breathing in the harsh winds and my heartbeat rising every time I watch the sun rise above the foggy distance.

Nothing is ever new... I don't know who's the idiot who came up with that word in every single language that exists.

Well... Some things are always new... but I'd rather call it another word... It is the first experience of everything in life from an individual perspective, I suppose. It seems that the only circumstance where the word 'new' actually holds true meaning is when it revolves around a person's own first encounter with absolutely everything - be it a thought forming in the mind for the first time, an emotion or feeling, or an experience in reality.

As a whole, nothing is new, though.

I was wondering if delusions of grandeur aren't in fact a human trait shared by many of us in the end. It may even be a common feature of our species as a whole. How else would we have ‘achieved’ so much as societies? Maybe we just want to become Gods or God-like. In that sense, we have categories of people striving for all-goodness in the world, while others strive for all-power, and still others who will strive for their own ideal of God-like status.

What is that desire of success but a reflection of wanting to surpass all others? I always felt drawn to it and always derived intense satisfaction every time I happened to be the best at anything I was doing. But I could already see it would lead nowhere in itself, so I always guarded myself away from it. In fact, I realised too soon that most things people get into just lead nowhere true or profoundly meaningful. I say 'too soon' because I'm still young and yet I have the inner understanding and lucidity that should have come at a much later stage in life, when all mistakes have been made to lead to such conclusions. Instead, I've been able to spot all the flaws in most things going on around me and have strived to avoid them, dismissing most things offered in life as false or a waste of time (because I already know it won't get me any closer to true fulfilment)... But then I kind of get stuck wondering what the hell I'm supposed to do then.

Maybe we were always supposed to act exactly the way we have and still do. Perhaps the lesson we need to learn - the last one in our story - is that of humility… As a society, that lesson may well come through complete destruction of everything we tried so hard to build.

And maybe once everything is destroyed by our own doing… maybe that’s when we’ll have become pure and enlightened.

Actually... It doesn’t really matter what I think… Others will find better words, and others will have thought it before.

And... It doesn’t really matter who I is… we’re all part of the same whole, and we all share the same common destiny - we just pick different-looking paths that lead us right back to the same common point.

I is you, and you is I, and together we are us. Everything else is just detail that repeats itself over and over again.

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